Relicensing Application
A license in expired status can be re-instated by submitting a relicensing application.
- If the license has been expired for less than 2 years, you must meet all Continuing Education (CE) requirements to relicense.
- If the license has been expired for more than 2 years, you must requalify for the license.
Agents: All appointments are automatically terminated when the license expires. Once the license has been issued, the sponsoring insurance company may reappoint you.
Continuing Education
If CE was required to renew the license before expiring, CE will be required to relicense. CE will also be required at your next renewal or relicensing REGARDLESS of the duration of the license period.
Per Section 2132, CE credits must be completed within the licensing period immediately preceding the expiration date.
Qualification Requirements
- Residents: If the license has been expired for more than 2 years, you must requalify for the license by retaking the licensing exam or by having a current license with the same lines of authority for which you are applying. Completing prelicensing education again is not required. The application will ask you to attest to completing the applicable pre-qualifying course and furnish the course number or will ask you to attest to having completed the pre-qualifying course when previously licensed.
- Non-Residents: You must be in good standing and currently licensed in the declared home state with the same lines of authority being applied for in this application.
Individual/TBA license
The Individual/TBA License is issued with an expiration date determined by date of birth:
- If you were born in an even numbered year, your license expires on your birthday in an even numbered year.
- If you were born in an odd numbered year, your license expires on your birthday in an odd numbered year.
Your license will expire on your birthday regardless of the length of licensing period.
To submit an individual relicensing application, sign into NY LINX:
Entity License
All sublicenses are terminated when an entity license expires, therefore you must first establish a relicensing application for the entity. To do this you must provide the entity FEIN number, the license number and the entity type.
Once the relicensing application has been established, you may add sublicensees and inactive officers. You must add at least one qualified sublicensee to continue with the application.
- If the license has been expired for less than 2 years and CE would have been required to renew the license, any previous sublicensee must have completed all CE requirements.
- If the license has been expired for 2 years or more, any previous sublicensee must requalify for the license by retaking the licensing exam or by having a current license with the same lines of authority for which you are applying.
If all new sublicensees are being added, they must all meet all license qualifications.
All sublicensees and inactive officers must complete their portion of the application before the entity application can be completed and submitted.
To submit an entity relicensing application, sign into NY LINX:
Browsers and Blockers
- Use a supported browser: The latest version plus one previous of Edge, FF, Chrome and Safari, are supported.
- Disable “Pop-up Blocker” setting in your browser before using DFS portal applications.
- Maintenance: Portal may not be available from 7:30am to 7:45am for scheduled daily maintenance.
- Portal applications may not be compatible with cell phones, tablets or other mobile devices.