Filing Guidance
Tips for Successful Rate Filings
- Always follow the relevant product checklist.
- For “no rate impact” submission, actuarial justification should be included.
- Indicate whether the rate manual pages are new or replacement pages, and where they should be placed in the rate manual.
- Update the table of contents as appropriate.
- Provide up-to-date experience.
- FOIL exemption requests should appear in the actuarial memorandum.
- When revising rates, highlight the rates that are changing, and submit only the pages where revisions are occurring.
- If rates are generated from a consulting company database, include appropriate modifications or adjustments from company’s experience if possible.
- The actuarial memorandum should indicate all relevant pricing assumptions and their sources.
- Tables/exhibits should be consistent with those indicated in the actuarial memo.
- Rate manual pages should include the company’s correct full name. As an example, make sure the company’s post-merger acquisition name is shown.
- Make sure that rate manual pages are revised, if necessary, to reflect changes made during the legal review.
- For rate-change submissions for disability products, make sure to indicate the history of rate changes.
- Make sure to check applicable sections of the law/regulation specific to the product in question, e.g. long term care or disability.