Industry FAQs
Insurance Licensing
General Licensing
Health Insurance
- New York Out-of-Network (OON) Law, Guidance, and Questions, including the Federal No Surprises Act
- Industry FAQs: Step Therapy Legislation
- Industry FAQs: Group Accident and Health Insurance
- Municipal Cooperatives
Insurer, Agent and Broker
- Circular Letter No. 20 (2017) - February 2018
- Circular Letter No. 20 (2017) - October 2018
- Free Trade Zone (Article 63)
- Regulation 194 Insurance Producer Disclosures
- Title Insurance Agent Licensing
Property Insurance-Related
- Foreign Fire Tax program
- Insurance Information and Enforcement System (IIES)
- Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement Fee
- No-Fault Regulation 68
- Regulation 83 and the No-Fault Fee Schedule
- Transportation Network Company (Ride Sharing)