Annual Statements for Retirement Systems and Pension Funds

General Instructions

The submission for a fiscal year is due on or before March 1 following the calendar year in which the fiscal year ends.

Retirement systems and pension funds must have established with DFS the identity of individuals who will be submitting documents. If those individuals have not been identified to the Department, or if changes are to be made to existing assignments, please email Jason Fesmire at [email protected] or Stephen Pallas at [email protected].

An individual whose identity has been established as above should log on to the Department's web portal by the submission due date and submit the documents. Detailed instructions are available for download after logging into the application.

2024 Annual Statements

Portal Applications and Accounts

To access this secured application, you must have a portal account. Select the Secure Portal button below to log into, or create, your portal account. (You may need to disable any "pop-up" prevention software you have running before using this application.)