Pre-Foreclosure Filing System

Resolutions Bulk Filing Instructions Effective November 27, 2024

Resolutions - File Specification

Resolutions must be filed within 35 days of the date of resolution. Bulk filings must be made using the layout below.

Acquired Loans

For loans that were acquired, and Step 1 was filed by another servicer, enter a 'Y' in row number 5. Such filings must also include the last name of the borrower and the 5 digit zip code of the property in row 6 and 7, respectively.

Data File Requirements:

  • Data format : ASCII delimited text file
  • Field Separator : Tilde (~)
  • Record Separator : LF (Line Feed)

File Layout (Required fields must be filled if applicable):

Row NumberColumn NameData TypeMaximum WidthRequired?Notes/ Sample
1TRACKING_NUM_ORIG_FILINGAlphanumeric13YTracking Number (from the 90 day pre‐foreclosure filing)

For CO-OP properties only use the following codes:

20 - Reinstatement

21 - Paid in Full

22 - Redefault

23 - Foreclosure Sale

24 - Loan Modification

99 - Other

For Non CO-OP properties use the following codes:

11 - Loan Modification-Interest Rate Reduction

12 - Loan Modification-Principal Reduction

13 - Loan Modification-Interest Rate and Principal Reductions

14 - Loan Modification-Other

15 - Refinance

16 - Deed in lieu of foreclosure

17 - Short sale

18 - Involuntary dismissal

19 - Voluntary dismissal without resolution

20 - Reinstatement

21 - Paid-in-full

22 - Redefault

99 - Other Resolution

4FILER_NAMEAlphanumeric80YName of the Filer

Has the servicer changed since the original filing with the Department? Please use code below:

Y ‐ Yes N ‐ No


Last name of primary borrower

*Required if Line 5 is ‘Y’

7ZIP5_PROPERTYNumeric5**Required if Line 5 is ‘Y’

* Conditionally Required