No-Fault Regulation 68 Related Circular Letters

The following Circular Letters were written to interpret Regulations applicable to No-Fault insurance, and are currently in effect.

To view a Circular Letter in its most current form, you must read and note the changes contained in any Supplements and thus incorporated into the main Circular Letter.

Number and Release Year

Date Issued

Addressed To

Subject (and Link)

3 (2019)


All Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York, Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers, the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation, and Workers Compensation Providers

Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Schedules and Insurance Law § 5105

4 (2019)


All Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York, Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation, and Workers Compensation Providers

Insurance Law § 5105 and Transportation Network Company Vehicles

1 (2015)


All Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York, Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (collectively, “no-fault insurers”)

Claims for Personal Injury Protection Benefits Insurance in New York State

4 (2011)


All Authorized Insurers Writing Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State, Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (Collectively, “No-Fault Insurers”); All Insurers Authorized to Write Accident and Health Insurance in New York State, Article 43 Corporations, Municipal Cooperative Health Benefit Plans, and Health Maintenance Organizations (Collectively, “Health Insurers”); Rate Service Organizations; and the New York Automobile Insurance Plan

No-Fault Intoxication Coverage; Chapter 303 of the Laws of 2010

12 (2010)


All Authorized Insurers Writing Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State; Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers; the New York Automobile Insurance Plan; and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

The New York State Health Care Reform Act and No-Fault Insurance

4 (2010)


All Motor Vehicle Insurers Writing Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State, Self-Insurers, and the New York Automobile Insurance Plan

Reduction in No-Fault Loss of Earnings Benefits Payable by Amounts Received from Employer Wage Continuation Plans

3 (2009)


All Motor Vehicle Self-Insurers and Insurers Writing Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices - No-Fault Notice of Claim Provisions

Supplement No. 1
to Circular Letter No. 9 (2008)


All Motor Vehicle Automobile Self-Insurers, Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

Workers' Compensation Board Adoption of a new Pharmaceutical Fee Schedule applicable to no-fault claims

14 (2008)


All Authorized Insurers Writing Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State, Motor Vehicle Self-insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC)

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices: Interest on Overdue No-Fault Claims and Claim Settlement Structure

9 (2008)


All Motor Vehicle Automobile Self-Insurers, and Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

Adoption of the 30th Amendment to Regulation No. 83 (11 NYCRR 68) - Revision to the No-Fault Prescription Drugs and Durable Medical Equipment Fee schedules

17 (2006)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State, motor vehicle self-insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC)

Fair claims settlement practices: interest on overdue No-Fault claims and claim settlement structure

Supplement No. 1 to Circular Letter No. 16 (2005)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State, motor vehicle self-insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

Claims for No-Fault Benefits - Resolution method for disputes between insurers - Emergency adoption of Third Amendment to Regulation 68-C and Fourth Amendment to Regulation 68-D

21 (2005)


All motor vehicle automobile self-insurers and insurers licensed to write motor vehicle liability insurance in New York State

Unpaid No-Fault conciliation agreements, American Arbitration Association (AAA) issued settlement letters and No-Fault arbitration and Master arbitration awards

16 (2005)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State, motor vehicle self-insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

Claims for No-Fault Benefits - Resolution method for disputes between insurers - Emergency adoption of Third Amendment to Regulation 68-C and Fourth Amendment to Regulation 68-D

10 (2005)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State or workers’ compensation insurance providing benefits in lieu of first party benefits under No-fault; motor vehicle self-insurers; and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC)

PIP (No-Fault) Inter-company Loss Transfer procedures

3 (2005)


All motor vehicle automobile self-insurers, and insurers licensed to write motor vehicle liability insurance in New York State

Imposition of interest on certain unpaid assessments billed to self-insurers and insurers for the funding of the No-Fault and Supplementary Uninsured Motorists Arbitration programs

8 (2004)


All Motor Vehicle Automobile Self-Insurers, and Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation

Revision to the No-Fault Fee Schedules - Adoption of the 28th Amendment to Regulation 83

18 (2003)


All Motor Vehicle Automobile Self-Insurers, and Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Automobile Insurance in New York State

Withdrawal of 16 Outdated Circular Letters

36 (2001)


All Motor Vehicle Self-insurers and Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance in New York State

No-Fault Arbitration reform and submission of an Action Plan for No-Fault conciliation and arbitration

Supplement 1 to CL No. 18 (1998)


All Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State

Increased minimum limits for bodily injury liability and personal injury protection for public autos subject to the rules of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission

18 (1998)


All Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance in New York State

Increased minimum limits for bodily injury liability and personal injury protection for public autos subject to the rules of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission

1 (1998)


All Insurers, Including Article 43 Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations, Authorized to Write Accident and Health Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance or Automobile No-Fault Insurance in New York State

Electronic Acceptance of Health Insurance Claims, including Worker's' Compensation and No-Fault

14 (1996)


All Insurers Licensed to Write Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance in New York State

Section 5103(g) of the New York State Insurance Law Substitution of a Policyholder's Health Insurance Coverage for No-Fault Health Care Coverage

6 (1976)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State, motor vehicle self-insurers, and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC)

No-Fault Insurer's Right to Receive Unrestricted Authorizations for Release of Health Service or Treatment Information and Work Loss and Other Loss Information

5 (1976)


All insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance in New York State or workers’ compensation insurance providing benefits in lieu of first party benefits under No-fault; motor vehicle self-insurers; and the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC)

(1) Settlements Between Insurers Under Insurance Law, Section 674 - "Inter-company Loss Transfer" (2) Extent of Insurers' Lien on Tort Recoveries Which Includes Elements of Basic Economic Loss, Insurance Law, Section 673(2)