Healthy NY Program Guidance Memo
Updated Small Employer Wage Level
September, 2021
The Healthy NY wage level for small employers is updated commensurate with increases in the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The 2021 wage level for small employers will be $45,450. This means that at least 30% of the small employer’s eligible employees must earn $45,450 or less in annual wages and that small employers must offer Healthy NY to all employees who work 20 or more hours per week and earn $45,450 or less in annual wages. Additionally, at least one employee who earns $45,450 or less annually must enroll in Healthy NY.
Health plans may start using this amount immediately and should begin applying it for coverage that begins on or after January 1, 2022. The Healthy NY website will be updated with this adjustment soon.
“Health Insurance for the Uninsured”
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