Albert Heppner
Albert Heppner was born in Berlin on September 28, 1900 to a Jewish family. He married Irene Heppner née Krämer in 1927. The couple immigrated to the Netherlands in 1933 where Albert established the art dealership “A. Heppner” in Amsterdam. Their son, Max Bernard Heppner was born October 15, 1933. After the German invasion, the family tried to escape to the United States many times with no success. “A. Heppner” legally ended in 1940, however, Albert continued to illegally deal on a small scale. With the help of two men acting as fronts, Heppner set up the Aryan art dealership “Wicoram” in Amsterdam which sold paintings between 1941 and 1944, previously belonging to Heppner. The family went into hiding in August 1942 and the art firm was liquidated in November. The family survived the war however Heppner died shortly after and Irene and Max finally immigrated to the United States.