


Recovered Artwork

Andreas Achenbach, Norwegian landscape (Norwegische Landschaft) - Thumbnail

Andreas Achenbach, Norwegian landscape (Norwegische Landschaft), Oil on canvas, 25.8 x 37.2 cm

The Procession (La Procession) - Thumbnail

Lucien Adrion, The Procession (La Procession), Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm

Thumbnail - Nicolas Bertin, Apollo with Pegasus (Apoll mit dem Pegasus)

Nicolas Bertin, Apollo with Pegasus (Apoll mit dem Pegasus), Red chalk with yellowish ground, 19 x 24.5 cm

Karl Blechen, Woodland Scene (Waldlandschaft) - Thumbnail

Karl Blechen, Woodland Scene (Waldlandschaft), Oil on wood, 15.5 x 20.5 cm

Karl Blechen, Woodland scene with a Castle by the Water (Waldlandschaft mit Schloß am Wasser) - Thumbnail

Karl Blechen, Woodland scene with a Castle by the Water (Waldlandschaft mit Schloß am Wasser), Oil on wood, 17 x 25 cm

Thumbnail - Andrea Boscoli, The holy miracle of St. Antony of Padua (Eselswunder des hl. Antonius von Padua)

Andrea Boscoli, The holy miracle of St. Antony of Padua (Eselswunder des hl. Antonius von Padua), Pen and bister, 23 x 16 cm

Thumbnail - Samuel Bottschild, Allegory of the arts: architecture, painting, sculpture and the art of war

Samuel Bottschild, Allegory of the arts: architecture, painting, sculpture and the art of war (Allegorie auf die Künste: Architektur, Malerei, Plastik und die Kriegskunst), Pen and bister, 26.5 x 46.5 cm

Josef von Brandt, Victorious return (Siegreiche Heimkehr) - Thumbnail

Josef von Brandt, Victorious return (Siegreiche Heimkehr), Oil on canvas, 153 x 97 cm

Jan Brueghel I., Allegory of Earth and Water (Allegorie op de aarde en het water) - Thumbnail

Jan Brueghel I., Allegory of Earth and Water (Allegorie op de aarde en het water), Oil on panel, 61 x 89 cm

Lodovico Carracci, St. Jerome (Heiliger Hieronymus) - Thumbnail

Lodovico Carracci, St. Jerome (Heiliger Hieronymus), Oil on wood, 40.5 x 31 cm

A Study of a Priest Holding a Book (recto) - Thumbnail
Giacomo Cavedone, 
A Study of a Priest Holding a Book (recto)
A Study of the Standing Figure of a Young Soldier (verso) - Thumbnail
Giacomo Cavedone, 
A Study of the Standing Figure of a Young Soldier (verso)
Portrait of Charlotte Corinth - Thumbnail

Lovis Corinth, Portrait of Charlotte Corinth, Oil on canvas, 54.5 x 40.5 cm

Thumbnail - Reinier Craeyvanger, The geographer sitting at a table, with books and a globe (Der Geograph am Tisch sitzend, mit Büchern und Globus)

Reinier Craeyvanger, The geographer sitting at a table, with books and a globe (Der Geograph am Tisch sitzend, mit Büchern und Globus), Sepia and ink, 20.5 x 24.5 cm

Lucas the elder Cranach, Madonna with Child - Thumbnail

Lucas the elder Cranach, Madonna with Child, Oil on panel, 41 x 27 cm

Generic book graphic - book cover not available

Richard Kurt Donin, The Romanesque Church of castle Ranna (Die romanische Kirche der Burg Ranna), Book

Georg Ehle, Allegorical Scene (Allegorische Szene) - Thumbnail

Georg Ehle, Allegorical Scene (Allegorische Szene), Wax (pink) on slate in timber coffer under glass, 21.7 x 28.5 cm

Thumbnail - Ludwig Elsholtz, Sunday afternoon in the hare's moor (Sonntagnachmittag in der Hasenheide)

Ludwig Elsholtz, Sunday afternoon in the hare's moor (Sonntagnachmittag in der Hasenheide), Watercolor, 20.5 x 29.5 cm

Battista Franco, Studies for decorative paintings of grotesques (recto); 2 mythological sea-horses (Hippocamps) (verso) (Studien zu dekorativen Malereien von Grotesken. Rückseite 2 Hippokampen) - Thumbnail

Battista Franco, Studies for decorative paintings of grotesques (recto); 2 mythological sea-horses (Hippocamps) (verso) (Studien zu dekorativen Malereien von Grotesken. Rückseite 2 Hippokampen), Pen, 38.5 x 26.7 cm

Adolf Friedrich Erdmann Menzel, Barn, Hofgastein (Scheune, Hofgastein) - Thumbnail

Adolf Friedrich Erdmann Menzel, Barn, Hofgastein (Scheune, Hofgastein), Pencil, 24.8 x 32.5 cm

Adolf Friedrich Erdmann Menzel, Tyrolean Farmer's Wife (Tiroler Bäuerin) - Thumbnail

Adolf Friedrich Erdmann Menzel, Tyrolean Farmer's Wife (Tiroler Bäuerin), Pencil, 21 x 12 cm

Thumbnail - Allaert van Everdingen, Fishing harbor with old tower. (Fischershafen mit altem Turm)

Allaert van Everdingen, Fishing harbor with old tower. (Fischershafen mit altem Turm), Pen and bister, 5 x 8.5 cm

Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach, Head of a Girl (Mädchenkopf) - Thumbnail

Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach, Head of a Girl (Mädchenkopf), Painting, 40 x 31 cm

Johann Wilhelm Frey, Mariahilf Line (Mariahilferlinie) - Thumbnail

Johann Wilhelm Frey, Mariahilf Line (Mariahilferlinie), Watercolor, 18.8 x 24.8 cm

Thumbnail - Josef von Fuhrich, The recovery of Genevieve. (Die Wiederfindung der Genoveva)

Josef von Fuhrich, The recovery of Genevieve (Die Wiederfindung der Genoveva), Pencil with white highlights, 38 x 54.5 cm

Generic book graphic - book cover not available

Rolf Gardiner, National socialism seen from abroad (Nationalsozialismus vom Ausland gesehen), Book

Thumbnail - Bonaventura Genelli, Prometheus

Bonaventura Genelli, Prometheus, Pen, 23 x 18 cm

Franz Gerasch, The Old Burgtheater (Das alte Burgtheater) - Thumbnail

Franz Gerasch, The Old Burgtheater (Das alte Burgtheater), Watercolor, 23 x 29 cm

German Master, Young couple in a landscape - Thumbnail

German Master, Young couple in a landscape, pen and brown ink with brown wash, 4.6 diameter cm

Bottle Glass and Newspaper (Bouteille, Verre et Journal) - Thumbnail

Juan Gris, Bottle Glass and Newspaper (Bouteille, Verre et Journal), Oil on plywood, 55 x 33 cm

Gracht (Canal) in Amsterdam (Amsterdam Gracht) - Thumbnail

Hermanns, Heinrich, Gracht (Canal) in Amsterdam (Amsterdam Gracht ), Oil on canvas, 64 x 84 cm

Seated Nude on Blue Cushion - Thumbnail

Karl Hofer, Seated Nude on Blue Cushion, Oil on canvas, 95 x 85 cm

Thumbnail - Theodor Hosemann, The actor Adolfi in the role of the Brazilian in the "Parisian Life"

Theodor Hosemann, The actor Adolfi in the role of the Brazilian in the "Parisian Life", Watercolor, 24.5 x 21 cm

Thumbnail - Charles François Hutin, Design for a Gellert Memorial (Entwurf zu einem Gellertdenkmal)

Charles François Hutin, Design for a Gellert Memorial (Entwurf zu einem Gellertdenkmal), Pen and India ink, 47.5 x 23 cm

Thumbnail - Italian Master, Backside of a woman in a wrinkled garment (Rückenfigur einer Frau in faltigem Gewand)

Italian Master, Backside of a woman in a wrinkled garment (Rückenfigur einer Frau in faltigem Gewand), Charcoal, white highlights on brownish paper, 19 x 13.5 cm

Olevano - painting - Thumbnail

Alexander Kanoldt, Olevano, Oil on canvas, 91 x 71 cm

Albert von Keller, Madame La Suire (Madame La Suire) - Thumbnail

Albert von Keller, Madame La Suire (Madame La Suire), Oil on canvas, 110 x 49.5 cm

Lady with feather-boa (Dame mit Boa) - Thumbnail

Gustav Klimt, Lady with feather-boa (Dame mit Boa), Pencil drawing, 54 x 35 cm

Sergei M. Kolesnikoff, Still life of fruits and vegetables (melons) (Natura morte), Painting - Thumbnail

Sergei M. Kolesnikoff, Still life of fruits and vegetables (melons) (Natura morte), Painting, Oil on canvas, 121 x 166 cm

Leopold Kupelwieser, Oval Half-figure of a Young Man (Ovales Halbbild eines jungen Mannes) - Thumbnail

Leopold Kupelwieser, Oval Half-figure of a Young Man (Ovales Halbbild eines jungen Mannes), Watercolor, 9.6 x 8 cm


Johann Baptist Lampi, Portrait of Anton Josef Elder v. Leeb - Thumbnail

Johann Baptist Lampi, Portrait of Anton Josef Elder v. Leeb, Oil on canvas, 76 x 61 cm


Johann Baptist Lampi, Portrait of Theresia v. Leeb - Thumbnail

Johann Baptist Lampi, Portrait of Theresia v. Leeb, Oil on canvas, 76 x 61 cm

Thumbnail - Louis Letronne, Portrait of the singer Ranuzio Pesadori. (Bildnis des Sängers Ranuzio Pesadori)

Louis Letronne, Portrait of the singer Ranuzio Pesadori. (Bildnis des Sängers Ranuzio Pesadori), Charcoal, 32.5 x 30 cm

Johann Hieronymus Löschenkohl, Opening of the Prater by Josef II (Die Eröffnung des Praters durch Josef II) - Thumbnail

Johann Hieronymus Löschenkohl, Opening of the Prater by Josef II (Die Eröffnung des Praters durch Josef II), Engraving, 71 x 56 cm

Master of Flémalle, Virgin and Child - Thumbnail

Master of Flémalle, Virgin and Child, Oil on panel, 33.5 x 24 cm

Thumbnail - Theodor Mintrop, The small schoolmaster. (Der kleine Schulmeister)

Theodor Mintrop, The small schoolmaster. (Der kleine Schulmeister), Sepia, 26 x 29.5 cm

Thumbnail - Peter Molyn, Two farmers in conversation on a hill. (Zwei Bauern im Gespräch auf einem Hügel)

Peter Molyn, Two farmers in conversation on a hill. (Zwei Bauern im Gespräch auf einem Hügel), Chalk and ink, 14 x 22 cm

Johann Michael Neder, Family Picture (Familienbild) - Thumbnail

Johann Michael Neder, Family Picture (Familienbild), Pencil

Pieter Neeffs I, Architecture (Architektur) - Thumbnail

Pieter Neeffs I, Architecture (Architektur), Pen tinted on brown ground paper, 22.8 x 37.9 cm

Netherlandish Master, Bagpipe player (Dudelsackpfeifer) - Thumbnail

Netherlandish Master, Bagpipe player (Dudelsackpfeifer), Oil on wood, 41 x 31.3 cm

Nicolas [Lucidel] Neufchatel, Portrait of Jean von Eversdijck (Bildnis des Jean von Eversdijck) - Thumbnail

Nicolas [Lucidel] Neufchatel, Portrait of Jean von Eversdijck (Bildnis des Jean von Eversdijck), Oil on wood, 60 x 55.5 cm

Josef Neugebauer, Sleeping Child (Schlafendes Kind) - Thumbnail

Josef Neugebauer, Sleeping Child (Schlafendes Kind), Oil on canvas, 76 x 92 cm

Emil Nolde, Farmhouse (Bauernhof) - Thumbnail

Emil Nolde, Farmhouse (Bauernhof), 65 x 82 cm

Juriaen Pool, The Masters of the Goldsmith Guild in Amsterdam (Bildnis der Vorsteher der Amsterdamer Goldschmiede-Gilde aus dem Jahre 1701) - Thumbnail

Juriaen Pool, The Masters of the Goldsmith Guild in Amsterdam (Bildnis der Vorsteher der Amsterdamer Goldschmiede-Gilde aus dem Jahre 1701), Oil on canvas, 152.5 x 198.5 cm

Thumbnail - Hendrick Potuyl, Two farmers at an inn (Zwei Bauern im Wirtshaus)

Hendrick Potuyl, Two farmers at an inn (Zwei Bauern im Wirtshaus), Red chalk, 14.5 x 19.5 cm

Thumbnail - Friedrich the Elder Preller, Tivoli vision of the Momento della Planzia (Tivoli vicino all Monumento della Planzia)

Friedrich the Elder Preller, Tivoli vision of the Momento della Planzia (Tivoli vicino all Monumento della Planzia), 12.5 x 19.5 cm

No image available of painting

Johann Baptist Reiter, Portrait of the artist's daughter (Portrait der Tochter des Künstlers), Oil

No image available of painting

Johann Baptist Reiter, Portrait of a Lady with Coral Necklace (Dame mit Korallenkette), Oil on canvas, 39.5 x 31.5 cm

Thumbnail - Johann Gottfried Schadow, Head studies. Study sheet with caricatures. (Kopfstudien. Studienblatt mit Karikaturen)

Johann Gottfried Schadow, Head studies. Study sheet with caricatures. (Kopfstudien. Studienblatt mit Karikaturen), Pen, 20 x 21 cm

(Friederich) Wilhem Schadow, Self-portrait of the artist (Selbstbildnis des Künstlers) - Thumbnail

(Friederich) Wilhem Schadow, Self-portrait of the artist (Selbstbildnis des Künstlers), Oil on canvas, 59 x 49 cm

Generic book graphic - book cover not available

Julius von Schlosser, About some historical requirements of the middle age art language (Über einige geschichtliche Voraussetzungen der mittelalterlichen Kunstsprache), Book

Thumbnail - Carl Friedrich Schulz, Young hunter. (Junger Jäger)

Carl Friedrich Schulz, Young hunter. (Junger Jäger), Pencil, 25 x 15.5 cm

School of Giambattista Moroni, Portrait of a Man - Thumbnail

School of Giambattista Moroni, Portrait of a Man, Oil on canvas, 47.5 x 36.5 cm

Thumbnail - Moritz von Schwind, Design for the fairytale of the seven Ravens (Entwurf zu dem Märchen von den sieben Raben)

Moritz von Schwind, Design for the fairytale of the seven Ravens (Entwurf zu dem Märchen von den sieben Raben), Watercolor, 50.5 x 29 cm

Jacob Solomonsz. Van Ruysdael, Wooded landscape with herd near a pond (Landschap met kudde bij een poel) - Thumbnail

Jacob Solomonsz. Van Ruysdael, Wooded landscape with herd near a pond (Landschap met kudde bij een poel), Oil on panel, 50 x 69 cm

Thumbnail - Carl Ferdinand Sprosse, Interior of the castle church to Altenburg (Inneres der Schlosskirche zu Altenburg)

Carl Ferdinand Sprosse, Interior of the castle church to Altenburg (Inneres der Schlosskirche zu Altenburg), Lead and sepia, 28.5 x 19 cm

Thumbnail - Carl Ferdinand Sprosse, Speyer Cathedral (Speyerer Dom)

Carl Ferdinand Sprosse, Speyer Cathedral (Speyerer Dom), Lead, 16 x 10.5 cm

Agustín Salinas Teruel, The village well (Am Dorfbrunnen) - Thumbnail

Agustín Salinas Teruel, The village well (Am Dorfbrunnen), Oil on wood, 23 x 39 cm

Robert Theer, Unknown Older Woman (Unbekannte ältere Dame) - Thumbnail

Robert Theer, Unknown Older Woman (Unbekannte ältere Dame), Watercolor, 30 x 24 cm

Self portrait with family in the garden (Selbstbildnis mit Familie im Garten) - Thumbnail

Anna Dorothea Therbusch, Self portrait with family in the garden (Selbstbildnis mit Familie im Garten), Oil on canvas, 57.5 x 73.5 cm

Torah Cover - Thumbnail

Torah Cover, 78.7 x 45.7 cm

Thumbnail - Francesco Trevisani, Ornamental cartouche with Madonna and child (Ornamentkartusche mit Madonna und Kind)

Francesco Trevisani, Ornamental cartouche with Madonna and child (Ornamentkartusche mit Madonna und Kind), Pen on yellowish paper, 22 x 14.5 cm

Generic book graphic - book cover not available

Unknown, The German City (Die deutsche Stadt), Book

No image available of painting

Joza Uprka, Slovak Girls/Slovak Pilgrimage/Pilgrimage to Hornak (Slovácké děvuchy/Pout" na Slovácku/Pout" na Horňácku), 30 x 60 cm/29.5 x 59.7 cm

No image available of painting

Joza Uprka, Slovak woman (Slovačka / Myjavanka), 88 x 48 cm

No image available of painting

Joza Uprka, St. Anthony/ Sitting girl/Pilgrimage to St. Anthony (Antoníčka/Sedící dívka/Pout'u sv. Antoníčka), 30 x 60 cm/29.5 x 59.7 cm

Lesser Ury, The Seamstress (Die Naeherin) - Thumbnail

Lesser Ury, The Seamstress (Die Naeherin), Oil on canvas, 52.1 x 41.9 cm

Thumbnail - August Leopold Venus, Walter of Aquitaine and Hildgunde (Walter von Aquitanien und Hildgunde)

August Leopold Venus, Walter of Aquitaine and Hildgunde (Walter von Aquitanien und Hildgunde), Watercolor, 15 x 11 cm

Tobias Verhaecht, City on a Mountain Lake - Thumbnail

Tobias Verhaecht, City on a Mountain Lake, 18.1 x 27.9 cm

Emile C.H. Vernet-Lecomte, Almée, a young Egyptian girl (Almée, eine junge Ägypterin) - Thumbnail

Emile C.H. Vernet-Lecomte, Almée, a young Egyptian girl (Almée, eine junge Ägypterin), Oil on canvas, 130 x 188 cm

Jan de Vos I, Extensive landscape with travelers - Thumbnail

Jan de Vos I, Extensive landscape with travelers, Oil on canvas, 73.7 x 97.1 cm

Thumbnail - Jan Baptist Weenix, Hilly landscape (Hügellandschaft)

Jan Baptist Weenix, Hilly landscape (Hügellandschaft), Chalk, white highlights, 17.5 x 29 cm

Jan Wellens de Cock, Flight into Egypt, Oil on panel - Thumbnail

Jan Wellens de Cock, Flight into Egypt, Oil on panel, 35 x 48.3 cm

Eduard Werner, Difficult questions (Schwierige Fragen) - Thumbnail

Eduard Werner, Difficult questions (Schwierige Fragen), Oil on wood, 30 x 25 cm

Thumbnail - Jan Wildens, Hilly landscape with chapel under a tree (Hügelige Landschaft mit Kapelle unter einem Baum)

Jan Wildens, Hilly landscape with chapel under a tree (Hügelige Landschaft mit Kapelle unter einem Baum), Chalk, pen and bister, 20 x 27.5 cm

Thumbnail - Georg Christian Wilder, Nuremberg looking down on the Schmauserbach River. (Nürnberg vom Schmausenbach herabgesehen)

Georg Christian Wilder, Nuremberg looking down on the Schmauserbach River. (Nürnberg vom Schmausenbach herabgesehen), pencil, aquarellized with explanation, 15.5 x 19.5 cm

Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Girl from the Sabine Hills (Portrait of a Woman) (Mädchen aus den Sabiner Bergen) - Thumbnail

Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Girl from the Sabine Hills (Portrait of a Woman) (Mädchen aus den Sabiner Bergen), Oil on canvas, 74.5 x 63 cm