Unauthorized Use of the Department’s Name

The Department of Financial Services (DFS) has learned of instances involving the unauthorized and unapproved use of the Department’s name, letterhead, email domain, and/or phone number to contact consumers and regulated entities. This outreach is not affiliated with DFS, and the people or companies using our name and information are not authorized to do so. Consumers and regulated entities should familiarize themselves with the following reports to the Department:

  • DFS is aware of a scam in which a consumer receives a call about a bank or credit union “case” being “prosecuted” by DFS against the consumer. The caller identifies himself as either being from DFS or the Inspector General’s office, and requests personal information from the consumer. These calls are fraudulent. The callers are trying to get your personal information to gain access to your money or for other fraudulent purposes. DFS is not making these calls and is not asking other agencies to make these calls.
  • DFS has been notified that scammers posing as money transmitters, lenders, consultants, and other providers of financial services have created counterfeit licenses and other documents on DFS letterhead which appear to be issued by DFS. DFS did not issue these documents.
  • DFS has become aware of a proposal by an entity called Brooklands New Media Ltd. soliciting advertisements for purported publication by the Department. DFS is in no way associated with this organization, the proposed publication, or the email solicitations. 

Consumers and regulated entities can protect themselves with the following tips:

  • Do not provide personal information in response to an unsolicited letter, email, or phone call that claims to be from, or in reference to, DFS.
  • DFS does not make or sanction unsolicited calls or send unsolicited letters or emails to the public.
  • DFS does not prosecute court cases against consumers and does not represent banks or credit unions.

To find out if a communication came from or is affiliated with DFS, call our Consumer Hotline at (800) 342-3736 or send us an email at [email protected]. File a complaint with DFS if you have been the victim of a scam involving a financial product or service. To file a complaint, visit www.dfs.ny.gov/complaint.