July 1, 1968
Circular Letter No. 6 (1968)
Re: Rules for the Guidance of Fraternal Benefit Societies in Submitting Amendments to or Revisions of Charters, Constitutions and Bylaws under the Provisions of Section 465 of the New York Insurance Law
This letter supersedes Department letter dated December 29, 1958 pertaining to rules governing the procedures for submission of amendments to, or revisions of, the charters and/or the constitution and by-laws governing fraternal benefit societies pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section 465 of the New York Insurance Law. Sections A and B of the 1958 letter have not been changed; section C has been amended in the interests of improved procedure and clarity.
A. Filing of amendments with Superintendent
Upon the adoption or enactment of any amendment or amendments required to be filed pursuant to Section 465 of the Insurance Law, three certified copies thereof shall be filed with the Insurance Department at 324 State Street, Albany, New York 12210.
B. Procedure for filing of amendments
Accompanying each copy of the filing made pursuant to Section A, above, shall be an itemized statement containing in form and substance the following:
1. The provision of the section or sections of the amendment or amendments prior to amendment, with an explanation as to the general nature of the change or changes adopted.
2. Immediately thereafter there shall be set forth the provision of the section or sections as amended.
3. If changes are made in the numbering of any section or sections, the renumbered section or sections shall also be set forth.
C. Complete revision of constitution and by-laws
In the case of a complete revision of the constitution and by-laws, the requirements of Sections A and B shall be complied with.
In the case of complete reprinting of the constitution and by-laws incorporating amendments previously filed with this Department, only the the requirement of Section A need be complied with.
The above requirement and procedure shall take effect immediately with respect to the filing of all revisions of the constitution and by-laws on and after this date.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Very truly yours,
Richard E. Stewart
Superintendent of Insurance