October 2, 1979


Circular Letter No. 25 (1979)


TO: All insurers licensed to write automobile physical damage insurance in New York State

RE: Waiver of inspection required by Regulation 79 for new automobile physical damage business obtained from applicants previously insured with Safeco.

In order to eliminate unnecessary inconvenience to Safeco insureds in process of transferring to a new insurer, such insurer may waive the requirements for the inspection required pursuant to Regulation 79 for new business (11NYCRR 67.2), if the insured has previously had the vehicle inspected pursuant to Regulation 79 by Safeco. In order to waive the inspection requirement, the new insurer must receive a copy of the prescribed inspection report performed by Safeco, but need not obtain the mandated photograph.

The waiver of the inspection requirement shall be limited to 30 calendar days from the effective date of coverage, by which time, the insured must have either provided the new insurer a copy of the Safeco inspection report or have obtained an inspection of his vehicle by the new carrier. Failure to do either of the foregoing will result in a suspension of physical damage coverage.

Insurers wishing to grant the above waiver of inspection to previous Safeco insureds must amend their Plan of Operation filed pursuant to Regulation 79(11NYCRR 67.0) to reflect such change.

Please address any questions or amendments to filed Plans of Operation to:

John D. Reiersen, Principal Examiner

New York State Insurance Department

Two World Trade Center Rm. 8051

New York, New York 10047

Very truly yours,



Superintendent of Insurance