November 27, 1979
Circular Letter No. 32,(1979)
TO: All Excess Line Brokers
SUBJECT: Alvin C. Terrill
Information has come to our attention indicating that the captioned Alvin C. Terrill has been soliciting business indicating that he could bind coverage with F. Bolton International Ltd., a Lloyds Broker. We have been advised by counsel for Lloyds of London and F. Bolton International Ltd. that Mr. Terrill does not have any authority to act on their behalf. We have also been advised that counsel for Lloyds of London and F. Bolton International Ltd. have contacted those parties to whom purported policies were issued, informing them that Mr. Terrill did not have authority to bind or place coverage.
All Excess Line Brokers are herewith advised of this situation and to take appropriate action.
Acknowledge receipt of this Circular Letter to William F. Allmendinger, Senior Insurance Examiner, New York State Insurance Department, Two World Trade Center, New York, New York 10047 within ten days of the mailing hereof.
Very truly yours,
Albert B. Lewis
Superintendent of Insurance