Circular Letter No. 2 (1995)

February 6, 1995


All Authorized Insurers Writing Business In New York State


Updating the Corporate Officer in Responsible for an Insurer's Internal Consumer Services Department

The Consumer Services Bureau is confirming and updating its listing of corporate officers responsible for an insurer's internal consumer services department as set forth in Part 216.4(c) of the New York State Insurance Codes, Rules and Regulations (Regulation 64). Each insurer should designate only one corporate officer to fulfill its responsibility under this section of the regulation. A form must be submitted for each licensed company. The attached form should be completed and returned to this Department within ten working days at the address indicated on the form.

It is the responsibility of the Consumer Services Bureau to investigate complaints filed with this Department. The Bureau, upon receiving a complaint, forwards a copy of the complaint to the respondent insurer, together with a cover letter that requests the information and/or documentation necessary to investigate the complaint. All too often insurers fail to include the requested information and/or documentation and, as a result, the Consumer Services Bureau must send a second request for this information. It is the responsibility of the corporate officer to verify that all responses to this Department are timely, substantive and include all of the requested information and/or documentation.

If you have any questions, you may write to Sandra Glindmyer, Principal Clerk, New York State Insurance Department, Consumer Services Bureau, Empire State Plaza, Agency Building One, Albany, New York 12257 or call at 518-474-4837.