Circular Letter No. 5 (2002)
March 1, 2002


All Public Health Law Article 44 HMOs and All Insurers Writing Medicare Supplemental Insurance


Insurance Department Website

STATUTORY REFERENCE:  NY Insurance Law Sections 3218 and 4308

The Insurance Department's Website is a valuable tool for New York residents who are either shopping for health insurance coverage or checking the correctness of their latest premium invoice. The Website lists the latest premium rates for Medicare Supplement Insurance, contracts issued under the Healthy New York Program, and the Standard Individual HMO and POS Health Plans; along with the direct telephone number for contacting each insurer or HMO.

It is imperative that the information posted on the Department's Website accurately reflect the premium rate charged or quoted by each insurer or HMO. The rate pages on the Website are revised monthly and each insurer and HMO marketing any of the above products should institute procedures to check that the monthly rates posted on the Department's Website are identical to the rates used by the insurer or HMO when billing or quoting. Any discrepancy should be immediately brought to the attention of the following persons:

Healthy New York Contact Person: Anthony Cresho (518) 474-4899
Email: [email protected]

Medicare Supplement Insurance Contact Person: Carol Leith (518) 474-4562
Email: [email protected]

Standard Individual HMO and POS Contact Person: Elaine Chu (212) 480-5064
Email: [email protected]

Thomas C. Zyra

Charles S. Henricks